Monday, August 16, 2010

I need advice on how to help my husband deal with the death of his abusive brother?

My husbands brother died last week he was 52 and my husband is 48. As a child, his brother was abusive to him (physical and emotional). Well, after years of being sick, his brother died. My husband had to pay for the funeral himself because noone else would/could. He did a fabulous job also. (More than the brother even deserved) He is not doing well and I am worried about him. I have tried talking to him, he is not receptive. Now it looks as if he will have to open an estate for the house his brother owns. How long will it be before he starts feeling better? I don't know how to help.I need advice on how to help my husband deal with the death of his abusive brother?
There are some support groups for those grieving in your community. That is a good start. I lost my mother in September and though I doing better, I still get sad when I come across some of her things and writings. Perhaps he feels guilt about his feelings from the past concerning his brother. Just do the best you can. He's very vulnerable right now and is trying to work things out by himself. I had God to help me through my grief.I need advice on how to help my husband deal with the death of his abusive brother?
HI, please get him counseling,

if you have health insurance, call the number under ';mental health'; it's private and insurance will pay for it. There is nothing you can do, you need a professional.

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