Aaaaw that must be hard. Just be nice to each other and spend every waking moment together before he goes. When he's gone you can do web cam, get him and you a webcams before he goes so you are prepared.How do i deal with my husband going to be deployed?
I can tell you with personal experience. I have a husband in the Air Force and he has been deployed 3 times to the middle east during the war time and (luckily it hasn't been 12 months at a time but 4 months) each time he goes it hurts and it got more scary as the more times he went.
How we got through it is we communicated online (when he could get to a computer), we talked on the phone (when he was able) but the basic way was letters. Communicate your feelings to him but remember, he probably doesn't want to go either, so don't make him feel bad that he is leaving.
Cuddle, talk, have passionate love making ;) ha. Make the time before he goes wonderful and if possible stress free. He will already have stress that he will be gone for 5 months and on a ship no less. Small living quarters and everything.
Now once he is gone you must occupy yourself. Take some classes, learn a new hobby, work on your hobby, read stories, write stories, keep the house in a certain order. Do volunteer work, that could also get your mind off of the missing touches of your husband. But make sure you take the time to write him. Daily journals help too. Oh write about your fantasies to him as well. THAT really helps with the separation, cause when he comes back he's gonna want to fulfill them.
Keep your chin up. Talk to family and friends. Be busy. Things might be a bit different when he comes back, but work it out. Talk it through and everything will be fine. Good luck to you and your husband.
that is a hard question to answer
All you can really do is enjoy the time you have right now and once he is deployed then it will be time for you to figure out how to deal with it
I can say at least he won't be gone that long but i know to you it is gonna be like forever it always hurts when you are separated from your husband and also knowing he has gone to war i personally have never dated a military guy but i do have friends and it is sad everytime one is deployed over in hell.
Best of luck to you and your husband.
I do admire you. I can't say I know how it is done. My Dad didn't see his first born until he was 1.5 yrs old because of WWII.
Write many letters. Keep all of them. My parents are both dead, but I get a sense of who they were (besides being mom %26amp; dad), by reading the letters they wrote to each other.
Make this about him. It really is, you know. He is going to do a job that he is compelled to do, not some delightful camping trip. You be all you can be.
This is hard. My honey just got back from Afghanistan. It was so hard, we got through it with emails and packages, etc. Make plans for what you will do when he returns. Make sweet sexy memories now. While he is deployed send him via email and pic's things to remember the wonderful wife he has at home.
It is tough at first. I have done 2 deployments thus far. How big is his ship? When my hubby deployed the wives got together at least once a month and called each other once a week. It is good to have contact with people who are going through the same thing.
Email me if you want to talk :)
i don't think that there is nothing you can do. but you have to get use to it. life is not perfect. some times we can not be together all the time. so make the best of it.
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