Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do I make it easier to deal with my husband being gone?

My husband left for basic march 31st. I'm having a really hard time with it. I have a 9 month old son and now I am taking care of him alone. People keep saying it gets easier, but so far that hasn't happened. With him being gone everything seems like its all happening at once.. Does anyone understand. If so please give me some advice.. and does it really get easier..How do I make it easier to deal with my husband being gone?
After you get to the permanent duty station the wives club will help to no end. I know this time away is lonely, but if you love him, then you will find the strength to make it this next month while he's still in boot. E-mail him, and write him a letter every other day, and this will ease a lot of the away feelings. You may even try to put a care package together of cookies and other baked goods, but remember there are some 55-85 others with him in his boot company. I know it sounds like I'm saying its all about him, but you will find a deep pleasure in this.


Also, a few telephone calls with members of his family and yours will help to no end... there are phone programs with unlimited long distance, and I suggest you get one. Also, get a camera, and take pictures to share with him both by mail, and by E-mail as well. When next you talk with him, tell him some fat old biker said ';THANK YOU'; for the time he's spending to defend MY FREEDOM for me!

.How do I make it easier to deal with my husband being gone?
His training should almost be done and you will get to be together again soon depending on his tech school. My husband is in the AF and is gone on average 2 weeks out of the month (that's average. some months he's not gone; currently he is on a 3-week mission.) Understanding what your husband is going through is big. I understand because I also served 4 years in the AF, but I don't understand everything, but I try. Anyway, getting together with other spouses going through the same this is an idea--not my thing, but if it's your thing then great! Possibly having friends that know nothing about the military would be easier to keep your mind off everything and help you learn things as they ask questions.

Since you have a child, just make sure you get some grown up time for yourself. Maybe you can volunteer somewhere or start an online or home-based business. All these things will just help you identify with yourself and be your own person as you don't have your husband to depend on currently.

Good luck. It doesn't necessarily get easier, you just get used to it.
So you'll have 2 more months with out him pretty much. Which isn't bad cause mines in Iraq for 15 months. Sooo... What I do, is, I write my husband everyday. At the end of the day. Telling him what I did, and what I want to do the next day. And just go on living your life. There are families in worse situations than you are, so you'll be ok. I had a few friends that just had babies, and they have new borns and they're working, while thier men are downrange. My suggestion is to drop your son off at yours or your husbands parent's house, day care or something at least once every 2 weeks, and have some alone time, go shopping, take a college course, take an areobics course, something for you.
I know it's hard but you just take it one day at a time. Remember what he is going through and be strong for him. I have 14 years experience. Right now my husband is in Korea and I haven't seen him for 8 months. It does get easier. I hate to say it but this is the easy part. He will probably be deployed before you know it. Be strong, use your support system, email, whatever it takes. If nothing else, we Army wives just have to suck it up. Good Luck.
hey hello - i know boot camp was many many years ago for my hubs but everytime my hubs packs up his stuff to leave i get the same feelings back!!! this is bootcamp LUCKILY it is 3 month (IN THE MARINE CORPS AT LEAST) and trust me after that 3 months u will be so happy to see him u will say that wasn't so bad that went fast! and in all reality it did......when u get to a real base there will be support groups and Key volunteers and trust me u will learn to be alone more often and it will get easier!
I was in a relationship for 8 years and had three children with her.Only after I discovered one of her affairs did she leave me and marry the kid I caught her with.Now we never even talk almost 5yrs.later.I still have very bad dreams involving her.I was at my deepest points during the times right after this happened and in fact almost died a few times.Even though your situation isn`t as extreme as mine.My situation and feelings did improve over time.I wish you the very best.May God look after you all
find other women in the same situation as yourself, you can all bond together.
Get with a support group.
Get with the other wives from his unit and hook up with them

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