I have been sick since last Monday with bronchitis. Now, I'm not a brave, stoic patient. I have the annoying quality of having to report a minute-by-minute update on how exactly I am feeling to my husband, who is also my best friend and constant companion. Well, he's sick of it. Fine. So I stop talking about it. But I'm no less sick, right?
When I was feeling better I would try to pay attention to him and let him know that I was still interested in him, if you know what I mean. So it wasn't like he wasn't getting any all week. Then on Saturday he wanted to get intimate and I basically blew him off. All day Sunday he wanted to discuss it in his passive aggressive way that drives me insane - this is just another way I'm putting everything else in front of sex. Finally, I just said, dude, I'm f***in sick and I don't want to deal with you or sex or anything.
He is still mad and I'm mad too. How would you deal with this today? I don't want to fight but man, leave me alone!I'm sick - don't want to deal with husband - advice?
He has a problem if he can see you are sick and he wants to put his sex needs above your needs. Explain to him you do not feel well, you won't enjoy it and he will have to wait til you are feeling better. Let him be mad. He won't die without sex. What a big baby!!!I'm sick - don't want to deal with husband - advice?
Welcome to the married life lol. Most men act like babies when you turn them down for sex. He will get over it. Talk to him and tell him he shouldn't be upset because you were sick and you both have lots of time to have sex in the future.
tell him your SICK and to leave you alone and if he want's it that bad, he has a hand.
Tell him that if he ever hopes to get it in the future then he had better leave you alone now!
Wait til the kiddies come along....
What a silly thing to fight about. I would just let it blow over...both of you are on end and you both exploded...Just chill get better and don't worry. Just remember to choose your battles better...and enjoy the time with your husband you never no when he might not be there.
This whole thing sounds petty and childish.
If you are sick, then your husband is aware of it. You do not need to provide him with a minute by minute update.
If you didn't want to be intimate with him, then you should have not done anything until you were feeling 100%. You gave him the impression you were up to being intimate, so of course he is going to ask you. You ';basically blew him off';... does that mean you told him you weren't feeling well or your ignored him?
I don't agree with the passive agressive thing either. There are so many more critical things in life to spend your energy on.
How would I deal with this today? Just sit down and talk about this like adults. You were both in the wrong, so own up to your part in it and try to do better in the future.
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