it's good and helps each other miss one another and want to be with each other more on off days.. but it can get lonely and boring...
strong minded and strong hearted will see it as it is and live with it patiently cause you got to do what you got to do to make a living .. can't always be together 24/7 and not work...personally i don't mind it and as long as we both come home to each other at the end of the day and take care of our kids then i'm game.. How do spouses deal with their husband or wife working night shift?
ur welcome =)
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I worked it for years (midnights).
The solution is that you make the most of your time together when you aren't working. If you work mids and the wife works another shift you juggle your time to get together or you adapt and find the time together when you can.
Thats all part of making a marriage work. After isn't as though one spouse is out having a ball while thwe other sleeps. You're making money to support one another. Sacrifices have to be made and adpating to your situation is the way around it.
My husband used to work nights when he managed a few restaurants -he would come home at 2-3am, sometimes earlier but rarely. I worried about him but I was fine - I enjoyed having the house to myself. Now he works days like me and it's much nicer because we can actually do things together in the evening. But either way, it worked out AOK.
My husband works 9p-5a. I am a stay at home mom. I stay up until 1 a (his lunchtime, sometimes he comes home for lunch) and that way we can sleep together longer in the morning. It works out great because this is our baby's normal schedule.
Affairs? I don't think this is what your worried about..anyways.. My husband works 2 weeks of days 6-630..and 2 weeks of NIGHTS 6-630! I enjoy the time alone to watch my fav. Girlie shows on tv, Relax in the tub for an hour.. do whatever I want really! I mean sure its weird crawling into bed alone, But hey ya gotta go what ya gotta do!! Its not soo bad! :) Try to enjoy the time alone!! xo
I worked third shift for a year and my husband was a big baby about it because he actually had to do a few things for himself..
You have sex in the morning. It is best if the other works 1st shift though so you can see each other in the afternoons.
Whew, you better have allot of trust in your partner because that's when the affairs happen at the night shift.
work the night shift on your local strip/mainstreet while he/she is @ work.
well they feel alone and tempted but if they really love them then they can deal with it
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