Basically, I have no family, my husband won't pay for day care or a sitter. We have three children, the youngest is 11 months. My son has been crying and not sleeping pretty much since 5 months of age. Last night, for example, he fell asleep at 7AM, but then it's time for me to get up and get the oldest off to school. My husband works, on average, 80-100 hours a week. When he's not at work he's renovating the house and when he's not doing either of those he's either too sick or has ';back spasms'; and cannot watch the children. I am severely depressed and have had thoughts of suicide. My husband warned me not tell my doctor (I am going to anyway) because they will commit me and he says he's not getting stuck with the kids while I relax in a mental ward. I have tried all the arguments, they're your kids too, etc. He accuses me of abusing him. I am going out of my mind. I can't take the baby's screaming anymore. I haven't seen any of my friends in a year. I cry constantly. Help me. Please.How can I deal with my husband and children?
First, go see your child's pediatrician and rule out anything medically. If he cries all the time and won't sleep at 11 months..this isn't totally normal. How old are the other kids?? Are they both in school?? Do you have any friends or neighbors you could trade off with where you take turns watching each other kids?? Every woman needs some time matter how short or you completely start to lose your sense of self which is where you are headed. Why does your husband get to choose whether you have sitter or not? Maybe you can find a church/temple or something that has a Mom's Day Out program for a low price, a couple hours a week. Please e-mail me if you need more help or support. You sound like you need a lot of help and DON';T hesitate to call your doctor and tell him or her EVERTHING you wrote and are thinking and feeling. Your hesband has serious control problems and sounds abusive. You need can I deal with my husband and children?
take care of yourself................. go take a break.........and that man you call a husband.....mmmmmmmmm lose him... thats not a husband telling u not to tellyour doctor, this is serious!
Go see your Dr nothing anybody can do from here.
You have to realize there will be no easy answers or quick road but things can and will get better. Look in your area for a church with child care. Over time you will get to know the people and they might prove a wonderful support, plus the children will get some extra attention and other time with children.
Tell your doctor and screw your husband. You need help and he's doing nothing to help. You shoudl be furious at him. I think he will only take you seriously if you fall apart.
If your husband is completely unwilling to listen and be reasonable then I would try marriage counseling first.
You should also see a therapist privately - sometimes just venting your frustrations will help greatly.
As far as your child constantly crying. Has he gone to the doctor?
I would say first you need to see a doctor and possible be put on some medication. Your son who cries all the time may need to be seen as well. He might be sick or something. You need help with three young children. You need time for you or you will go nuts. Sounds like your husband is a real winner ;) I doubt hes going to change. So you need to change. You need to show him you dont need him. Im sure you are just the way he likes you right now. You depend on him. Find some play groups. Most are free it will get the kids out of the house and give you time to be with other moms!
I understand what you`re going through ,1st you have to find a way to be nice to yourself take it easy on yourself start thinking of what is best for you ,work on yourself to have peace inside this does not come easily you have to start making a list to organize your self put your problems then your possible resources your strength and weaknesses and take each problem one at a time ,use as much as you can a good way of communication with your husband ,i can see that you are a great woman because you ask for help .
I'm not sure every wife/mother goes through the same thing as you to your extent,but I have three boys and I do not get alot of help from my husband.There are days when I think I might pull my hair out but at the end of the day seeing their sweet little sleeping faces makes it all worth it.I suppose I have a differrent point of view than you.I feel that if my husband goes out and works all day then it is my job to take care of the kids,the house,the dinner,etc.Not all women agree though.My mom was never like that or even my sister in laws.My advice to you is say a little prayer,get a little sleep and enjoy being a mother,they won't be little forever.Good luck and God Bless.
Tell your doctor how you're feeling. Explain your husband's attitude about it and ask the doctor for help in recruiting your husband's support. I would also ask for a referral to a good marriage counselor because it sounds like there are BIG issues there. You are definitely depressed, but there could be a physical cause to it as well as the obvious lack of emotional support. Post-partum depression can last a couple of years ~ sometimes it just takes a while for the hormones to get back to normal. They will not commit you unless you have made an actual suicide attempt, and even if they do it's because you need the help. Do what is best for YOU... your husband is only thinking of himself right now. And if you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to e-mail me. Hang in there, sweetie!
Try marriage counseling, maybe an outside POV will change his views. Honestly your situation isn't fair, If i were in your shoes, I would leave him and move in with a friend (if that's an option) Good luck.
maybe you feel overwelmed! its ok! i would talk to the dr. he can prescribe anideppressants. also maybe u just need someone to talk to------u are not alone and it will get better!!!!
well um um this is hard just email at courtynanashawn
my real name is shawn and we can just talk
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