Sex is a great stress reliever for both of you. Try it and enjoy.How do you deal with a husband who is stressed?
When you know he's stressed out, just be by him, and let him know that even if he loses his job, you will always be there with him and for him. Show him that you trust him regardless of his job situation. Be consistent! If you feel yourself about to explode, excuse yourself and go into another room where you can read a book, check e-mails, clean, watch tv, go for a walk, whatever makes you calm down. Then once you're calm, you can come back and reevaluate the situation, and sometimes that means doing the whole thing over again. These times are tough, but they don't last forever.
I myself am married to a man who suffers from Bipolar disorder, and the advise I give to you is give him his space and when he is ready to talk about he will come to you. Whatever you do DO NOT smother him and constantly ask him ';what is wrong';. That will just add fuel to the fire and he will start thinking about it again and become more upset and probably end up causing an argument between you both. I know how you feel of not knowing what to do maybe he needs to seek some sort of professional help. He maybe suffering from depression/ anxiety disorder.
Best hope he finds a job that causes little stress as it will give him a early grave via a heart attack. After i had my heart attack and 5 heart bypasses the first question the doctor asked me was how stressful was my work. Since then i read bunches of articles and stress is always at the top of the list with smoking for heart problems. Then there is the possibility your husband is high strung and about all you can do in either case is just allow him to let of steam and to pick your fights..
The best thing any wife can do is to just leave their husbands alone when they're angry or stressed.
Women have a tendency to meddle with everything, and they never seem to understand that their meddling is like pouring gasoline on a fire.
If you want to help him ~ then don't help him. We're not like you. Men don't need to talk about their feelings.
ask him to sit /talk to you don't get aggitated with him or give up on him if he senses that he will clam up and you'll never to the bottom of's a man thing never have problems.try asking him to write every thing down on paper and thats including swear words,but not to read it thenhave a read yourself.don't use it against him.
Tour this site it is about stress -causes, cures and more. I found good tips and ideas on stress management here鈥?/a>
Greet him at the door wrapped in nothing but cellophane and a martini {make it a double} in your hand. And say.... lets not talk about work tonight.
As if you don't know how to destress any man in just 5 minutes......
probably just stay out of his way.
one word sex :D
try and conquer your rage and give him a shoulder massage :)
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