Friday, August 20, 2010

Married women who has to deal with the ex?

You all know what i am talking about. When your husband had kids with an ex girlfriend or ex wife and you have to put up with it. How long did it take to establish a steady civil relationship between you, the ex and your husband if you ever did? Are you involved or does your husband deal with her himself? What are or were your issues with each other?Married women who has to deal with the ex?
I did all the dealing when it came to her. She was nothing but a minipulative c**t and did everything she could to tear us apart, she lost of course.

I then decided to become friendly with her, pays to keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

Now her life has turned to absolute crap and I relish the fact that she is drowning in it. Call me vindictive but she deserves everything that was coming to her.Married women who has to deal with the ex?
It didn't take long at all. My belief is that they had a relationship before you came into the pictures, so you need to give them space to deal with the kids. It took me and the ex-wife about a month to talk to each other. I let her know I was her just to help and was not trying to take anyone place. I told her that her son would not call me mom or step mom... just by my first name. That seem to work for us. Now don't get me wrong, any big things that go on between my husband and the ex, I know about, but little things like him calling to talk to the son.. I don't have anything to do with.
well..i am on both sides of that fence. i am a ';first wife'; and also dating a man who is divorced with children.

my ex and i had a horrible marriage and he remarried a young girl and they have children together. the ex and i don't i have come to communicating with his wife. i think we get along pretty well. i do not get involved in ANY of their personal stuff, nor question my children. i try to make things best as possible for my kids.

on the other bf's ex calls almost everyday about anything that comes to mind. even tho she is remarried too, it seems as though she is not..i don't like it very much.

i guess i just try to be civil..and expect the same from others.

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