Friday, August 20, 2010

Does mother have right to mistreat an infant child if she hates her husband?

How should husband deal with this situation?Does mother have right to mistreat an infant child if she hates her husband?
Never, take control of the situation and seek professional help. Your wife (I assume), in any case, needs therapy and help, I am sure she doesn't mean it, she is very frustrated with her own problems, she should have them resolved before reuniting with her child.

Good luck!Does mother have right to mistreat an infant child if she hates her husband?
there is no need maltreating a child because of the hate you have for the father, its sheer wickedness and god would never forgive that.
Call childrens services and keep the mother away from her child
Take the child and leave her. It could be post partum. Tell her doctor.

The husband have to take an active role in make sure the child is healthy and safe..

If he can not you need a mother like person to help around. Get help please
Take the baby and run.
Video tape the mother and take it that proof to DHS or call the police remove the child. ASAP.Documention on anything that will help prove this. Make sure it's something you can prove.
If it's putting the infant in danger I would call the Police immediately! Nobody has the right to mistreat an infant for any reason. It's your duty as a responsible parent for the welfare of your child. If you neglect to get help, you are just as guilty. Don't waste time!
How dare you take your hatred for your husband out on your baby. That baby is partially you, the baby grew inside of you and because you hate your husband you are taking it out on the child. You need psycoligical help. And if you do not want to raise the child give it to someone who will love it unconditionally. Seems to me you are a very self centered person.
A mother has no right to mistreat a child. Its not the childs fault that the mom hates the father. The father needs to remove the child from the mom. If he knows its going on and does nothing then he is just as much to blame as the mom.
leave with child and have proof of the mistreatment so u get full custody
no, not at all, but what are you talking about? what kind of mistreatment? like abuse?
why should to child suffer he/she didnt do anything you need to step up and do something before it gets out of hand and i mean NNNNOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW
We took my husbands ex to court because of it. She started treating her kids badly because she hated their Daddy so badly and all she could see was him in them. I thought that was pretty pathetic. We took her to court and they took a lot of her custody away and told her she had until a certain date to get her act straight or they would be taken away from her for good. Sad thing is, is that she has a third child that she had with a boyfriend who walked out on her and she treats the kid like gold because she gets money from her exs parents and he is no where to be found. It's really sad that people act like that because it's not the childrens fault that their parents can't work things out. I don't care who you are, an infant child cannot take care of itself and it doesn't control who its parents are. Take her to court or turn her in cause you can get in as much trouble as she can if you are allowing the abuse to happen.
No one has a right to mistreat a infant.
i think tou need a little more detail to your?also consider if it is postpartum or baby blues b/c their are medicines 4 that.but if u feel the child is in any danger you need to step up and do something about it and no she dont have the right to mistreat that baby if she hates the father but sometimes women r really depressed and thrir hormones r way out of whack,but u need to get to the bottom of this big problrm before that baby gets hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course she doesn't nobody has the right to mistreat a child. if you know someone who is mistreating a child, then report them to the NSPCC or the police or whoever it is that you report child cruelty to in your country.
man take the baby and leave that crazy ***** nobody has a right to mistreat their child for any reason and call the cops too cuz thats ****** up
If this is legit... you're first responsibility is to your child. You know NO ONE has a right to mistreat another, let alone an infant. Document what she is doing. Tell other people. If she will not change, your child needs to be removed from the situation.
Report her to the cops.. Get her thrown in jail.

That little baby didn't hurt anyone!
not only is the answer to that question No... it's hell no...

Hubby should set her straight... call DEFACs on her if she doesn't stop.
He should beat her *** and kick her to the curb!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one has the right to hurt a child! She should also be turned in to the local authorities.
If anyone knows of child abuse occuring and does not report it should be thrown in prison with the abuser. It is our responsibility as humans to protect those that cannot protect themselves. So if you know this or suspect it, you need to report it. you should be able to do it anonymously if that is a concern for you. But do not look the other way. The mother needs help as well. To get her help now would be better than to wait until the damage is irreversible.
ditto. but r u sure she is mistreating, and not your dislike for her colouring your judgmenet?
NO ONE has the Right to Mistreat an Infant !! Contact Authorities!! She may be going through post pardom Depression?. Get her some Help ASAP!!! Good Luck !!
No way. No one should ever mistreat an infant. SHe needs to be turned in to CPS.

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