Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How Can I Help Him Deal With Crying?

how can i help my husband deal with our 3 month old daughters crying better?this is the first baby he has ever held let alone taken care of and he gets frustrated easily when she wont stop crying.i dont want him to automatically hand her to me when that happens so what can i do?How Can I Help Him Deal With Crying?
Encourage your husband and praise him.I know sounds really patronising but if he's anything like my husband was with our first child he is probably feeling insecure about it all because he doesn't know what to do.So show him what to do and if he manages to soothe her himself tell him he did a great job.How Can I Help Him Deal With Crying?
You can offer some suggestions to help him soothe her and also give him a bit of time. My daughter is 8mo and her daddy is much better with her crying now then earlier on, although sometimes they just need mum end of story. Another thing that's helpful is to make sure you're not hovering over them as this can make him nervous which doesn't help anyone and in fact will just make him not want to bother. Make sure he spends plenty of time with her when she is happy also as the better bond they form the easier it will be for him to sooth her. At the end of the day the cry just seems to affect men and women differently so keep that in mind, if you end up being the one that has to do it, oh well, that's your job sometimes everything else just has to wait. :)
don't take her, convince him to carry her, rocking her until she stops.

and fyi, running cool water in a sink and standing nearby with your baby helps to calm him or her down, the sound is soothing and relaxing to them.
He will get used to it, he doesn't have that ';motherly instinct'; like you do, it may take some time for him to be able to deal with the crying, it did my husband anyway! After she was about 16 weeks she did not cry so much and it was much easier for him to bond with our daughter. After that it did not bother him at all. Our second child was colicky and he must have gotten over the crying with the first child as it did not bother him a bit that she cried nearly non-stop for the first 3 months!
Let him deal with it. Making it easy for him to hand her off to you is teaching him that he can't handle it. Show him how, if you must, but allow him to learn without you.

Edit: Let him know that babies cry for attention, and letting her cry tells her that no one cares about her. Encourage him to soothe her and/or distract her.

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