My husband blew up yesterday. He said some very horrible things and even at one point packed his bags. I know he is stressed. We are having financial problems, he is trying to go to school full time and work a full time job. I am 37 weeks pregnant and working a full time job as well and starting to have contractions and I am so tired. I want to be supportive of him but yet I need his support too. I don't want either one of us to buckle under the pressure. Here we are at the end of his school..finals in December and our little girl due any time now. Any suggestions on how we can get through this?How do I help my husband deal with his stress and deal with me being 37 weeks pregnant?
Marriage is a partnership. If you two are buckling and baby isn't here yet, might I advise the two of you get some counseling. I learned in my marriage that if the two of you are not together as one which is what marriage is then imagine how bad it will get if a major crisis came along. Would yo two be able to handle illness, job loss, loss of home, etc.
There are right and wrong ways to fight. Saying hurtful things is not cool and neither is packing backs and such. You two each need to realize that you are one and when you get up in the morning you need to be thinking how can I make this day a great day for my husband. You two are suppose to be doing all you can to make sure the others life is as happy as you can make it. Not torment one another.
Sit down with him, time to have a meeting of the minds. This is not the kind of family your child needs. Your baby needs to come into a home filled with love and scurity. Not chaos and fighting. Your baby can feel what you feel so it is important that you do all you can to keep calm and happy. Your husband needs to know better as well and try to make you happy!
Sure wish we could sit down with you and give you some counseling. My husband and I try to teach people about marriage, there are right ways and wrong ways to do things and based on your fighting, it is only the beginning. Reality of a family and all that comes in this life you two need to prepare how to handle things instead of turning on one another.
Keep in mind why you married, as far as I am concerned I love my husband more and more as each day passes, I love him so much that I ony care about his being happy. That is how marriage i ssuppose to be!
Hope it works out for you, God Bless you and best wishes for your family!How do I help my husband deal with his stress and deal with me being 37 weeks pregnant?
Well, he's almost done, so its so short term at this point. All you can do is to relax a bit, when finals are done, but then you both wont be sleeping much. Sleep when the baby sleeps and let people watch her. When he's done with school, which is only 4 more weeks, then you can both just focus on work, and the baby, which is still more enjoyable than full time work and full time school. Just give him some space unless he takes it out on you, you are not a whipping post.
this is a hard one, because both of you need equal amounts of support. i'd suggest talking with your husband to find out what things you could do in his opinion, to help him out. I'd also talk to him about what things he could do to try and help me out.
then, in the interim, i probably wouldn't talk much about anything negative. neither of you need to be in the middle of a ';downer'; situation right now anyway, so i'd try to accept things as they come. be as encouraging as i can with my responses...and try to keep the convo light.
Turn the tables on him. Go into vivid detail of your pregnancy. Embellish on swollen ankles, stretch marks, nausea, morning sickeness, etc. Tell him he doesn't know what real stress is until he carries a baby for 9 months and then has to endure horrible labor pains and the delivery.
All you have to do is just survive at this point. As soon as the baby is here all his focus will be on her and all of his stress and worry will be put in perspective. Babies have a way of doing that. In no time at all he will be a happy daddy. Congrats!
I suspect he's going to crumble under the pressure of having an infant who never sleeps and cries all the time. I hope you have a backup plan, because he sounds like a total loser.
You can't worry about him right now. You need to concentrate on you. Even though your almost due your health is important for the baby's sake.
Lots of BJ's.....
First, congrats on your pregnancy. I just had a baby a few months ago. What worked for me and my husband was this:
When he would come home from work/school I would not approach him...I would let him have as much time to himself as he needed then when he was ready, he would come into the room and talk about his day...I also always give my husband a goodbye kiss for the day and a hello kiss when he returns.
We also asked family and friends for help. They would come stay over to help with whatever. The both of you need help no matter what you think. When you have someone to help you clean, do laundry, cook, and run errands that's when everything works out for the both of you. No one will hold it against you, YOU ARE PREGNANT, remember. It will definitely give you two time to enjoy each other (talk about issues, give each other massages, help with homework, take a nice long hot shower, make phone calls to friends and family, or just lay down and relax
Good luck.
Pregnancy and financial struggles! You both have to relax and find the good parts of life. It's awesome that you understand you two are just under stress. Let go and see what happens sometimes we worry about things for no reason. Worrying doesn't solve problems.
Someone said ';lots of BJ's'; Though it was said jokingly, a relationship really does need physical release. My husband and i have 4 kids and one was born last Christmas. Your at the end of your pregnancy and tired and sore and in a few weeks you are going to be postpartum and more tired and more sore. So make a deal with your husband to take a little time each day to please each other. You may want a nice long back massage and he may want a foot rub.
Now is not the time to crack under stress, you still have lots of sleepless nights to go :)
Try to laugh, let go of the worry!
Always be willing to talk.
Always Take time to listen.
Make your spouse feel ten feet tall.
Never go a day with out a warm embrace, especially if the day was a hard one.
Take a walk down memory lane.
Don't be afraid to say your sorry.
Try to go half-way in a fight.
Sometimes you have to go more than half-way.
Love is a decision, decide to love your spouse in every way you can.
Tell him what you're telling us. Right now you are both overwhelmed with the situation, but you've got to talk it out and be there for one another. Stress and anger cause nothing except to make a bad situation worse. So cut it!
You have to keep looking down the road. This won't last forever and you have to set your sights on the future. You are about to bring a brand new baby girl into the world. This is a blessing and should be a time of joy.Concentrate on that and I think it will pull you through.
You both can get through this, but you must do it together. His blowing up, saying horrible things, and packing his bags are misplaced anger. I don't think he's angry at you, just taking it out on you. He is resentful because he is in the position of having intense pressure placed on him and doesn't know how to properly handle it. In essence- he is angry at the situation- not at you.
Work together - this can be the only way. He will be done with school soon and you both must have a positive attitude because that will bring positive results in your lives. Negativity feeds off of more negativity.
So you guys celebrate that new baby! Nothing but nothing should detract you from the joy that awaits you. I hope this helped.
This is a very hard time for every one I have been there, not to long ago.
Everyone is under a lot of pressure and stressed out. Trust me I know you are tired. He wont see it ur way so dont even try to explain it at this point.
Ur hormones are all messed up anyway so maybe its not as bad as it seems but then again it could be.
Dont yell and scream and cry it will only make it worse on him trust me I tried that it pushed him farther and farther away. Honey after you have the baby things will eventually settle down. Guys act strange when they are about to have kids its weird.
Dont take it personal. Pray... a lot and hang in there. Help him as much as possible. He wont realize these things now but after everything settles down he will be grateful you was there for him.
Life isnt easy but it will get easier over time. I hope you can hang in there.
Good luck!
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